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Sustainable management

Environment and safety

For , investment in the environment and safety is a necessity, not a choice.

In order to provide differentiated products to our clients, established and follows principles in the three areas of environment, safety, and health..

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We create environmentally friendly, safe workplaces in all steps of the process and carry out activities to contribute to our workers’ good health in order to allow the company to achieve sustainable growth.

Products and services (hazardous material management)

Beginning at the research stage, establishes hazardous material management plans based on customer requests and our internal standards and analyzes the hazardousness of our products.
If a product is found to be hazardous, this information is immediately shared with the client and steps for improvement are carried out.

Disposal management

In order to reduce waste and increase recycling, monitors all steps of waste disposal from waste production to transportation. For consigned waste, we carry out management and monitoring to ensure that it is disposed of properly.

Safety management at production sites

To fulfill our goal of being an accident-free workplace, we carry out safety and health activities and establish goals in various areas in order to create an autonomous, proactive culture of safety management. We carry out annual management inspections which include evaluation of health and safety KPIs.

121, Mieumgukje 8-ro, Gangseo-gu, Busan, 46747 KOREA (Saenggok-dong)
Representative Director : Hyung Geun Cho, Myong Ken Song tel : 051-811-4361 fax : 051-811-4595
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